The Ultimate Guide to Declaration in Resumes
Written by James Bunes, Author • Last updated on August 9, 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Declaration in Resumes: Tips, Examples, and Best Practices

Declarations in resumes are powerful statements that reinforce your qualifications and give hiring managers more confidence in your application. These statements are more common in certain parts of the world, and they show that your resume is correct to the best of your knowledge. In this guide, you’ll learn when to add declarations in resumes, the main benefits, and how to do it.

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What is a declaration statement in a resume?

Declarations for resumes are a short sentence at the end of your resume that states all the provided information is true and accurate, as is usually accompanied by your signature and the current date. 

This statement usually looks something like this: “I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.” Resumes with declarations are most common in India and seldom seen in the West. However, this practice is appreciated in companies with a formal application process or sectors like education and government.

The importance of an “I hereby certify” resume

Adding “I hereby” in resumes is important in some areas and mandatory in others.

Declarations attest that your qualifications are correct, which is helpful when you’re applying for a position with hundreds of other candidates. Hiring managers must choose the best people to shortlist and a declaration helps them make a decision more confidently.

This is especially important when most recruiters have never met the applicant. It used to be more common to know the candidates you were considering, but nowadays, recruiters receive applicants from all over the world, so they may not even be in the same country as their chosen candidates.

These statements display a commitment to honesty, integrity, and accountability, showing that you’ll take responsibility for any false information. This is essential in industries where fraud prevention is vital, such as finance, education, government, and healthcare.

An “I hereby certify” resume is also necessary in India, where it’s common practice and expected by all employers. It’s added after the Personal Information section, which typically contains more details than a Western resume, so a declaration is helpful to attest that this information is accurate.

Resumes aren’t the same everywhere you go and it pays to know little differences and intricacies. For more information and advice on various applications, browse our library of resume articles.

Expert Tip:

Make sure you check your country, industry, and potential employer’s best practices before building an “I hereby” resume statement. Although these declarations display your integrity and accountability, they could seem odd to hiring managers who aren’t used to seeing them.

How to craft a compelling declaration for resumes

Adding declarations in resumes isn’t difficult, and there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Keep it simple and formal, and follow a few basic rules for success:

  • Keep it simple: Stick to a basic formula, like our template below.
  • Stay concise: State that the information you provided is true and move on. Keep it at two sentences maximum.
  • Use professional language: This statement is used in formal applications and companies, so it’s best to stick to professional terms.
  • Avoid industry jargon: Avoid slang and jargon, even if you believe it makes you seem like a professional in your niche. You want your statement to be understood by all recruiters, no matter their background.
  • Don’t add unnecessary details: Avoid adding extra information, like examples of which details are true. 
  • Add your location: Include your current location at the end. Don’t include your address; just your city and state are sufficient.
  • Include the date: Add the date you created the resume, using the dating format of the country your potential employer is located.
  • Sign your full name: Make your statement official by signing your full name.

Many of these best practices, like avoiding industry jargon and unnecessary details, are also great advice for writing your entire resume. For examples of these tips in action, browse our collection of realistic resume samples.

“These statements display a commitment to honesty, integrity, and accountability, showing that you’ll take responsibility for any false information.”

“I hereby” resume format and template

It’s important to build a new resume for each job application you send, so you’ll want a simple declaration template to add into every application.

Here’s a basic format you can use every time:

[Statement – such as: The details/information > provided/included/stated > is/are > true/correct/accurate > to my knowledge/to the best of my knowledge]

[Date and location – under the statement, to the bottom-left]

[Printed full name and signature – under the statement, to the bottom-right]

Simply copy/paste this structure into a professional resume template, and the hard work is done – just fill in your details.

Although declarations vary slightly depending on the job seeker, country, and application, they always follow this structure and they’re always placed at the bottom of the resume, so it’s the last thing the hiring manager sees.

Examples of declaration statements

Resume declarations come in many varieties, although they’re all very similar. Browse a list of examples to get familiar, and you’ll be able to craft your own easily:

  • I certify that the information provided in this resume is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
  • I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true and correct.
  • I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct.
  • I hereby certify that the provided details are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • I declare that all the facts stated above are correct to the best of my belief.
  • I hereby declare that the information included in this document are free from errors. I hold responsibility and accountability for the correctness in these facts.

Note that you can simply use these phrases for your resume, but you can also use them as inspiration to write your own. This adds extra quality to your resume, as it enables you to write the statement in your own personal tone of voice, which adds authenticity to your resume. Some recruiters may be able to tell if you use a pre-written one.

“I hereby certify” in resumes: Tips and best practices

These statements are serious business and hold you accountable for everything said in your resume, so it’s important to get them right. Let’s take a look at some top tips for including declarations in resumes.

Know when to use declarations

“I hereby” resumes are suitable for specific applications. You should always include them if you’re applying to a company in India and they’re also useful for corporate organizations with strict hierarchies and industries with a lot of fraudulent applications, such as finance and government businesses.

Prioritize honesty

This declaration states that everything in your resume is 100% true, so ensure you’re certain about everything you write. This is especially important when adding quantified achievements and metrics. If you aren’t sure if you really increased customer satisfaction by 40%, it may be best to bring the number down or choose another accomplishment.

Proofread your application

Thoroughly read your resume to double-check all the provided information. Your declaration states that all information is true and correct, so you wouldn’t want to add your certification to a resume with false information or typos. It’s too easy to accidentally include errors, so proofread your resume and ask a friend to review it.

Show your integrity and add declarations in resumes

Stand behind your achievements and show hiring managers you’re confident in your resume. Include a strong declaration in your application so employers know you’re authentic and accountable. Just follow our tips:

  • Keep it simple and concise
  • Don’t reinvent the wheel: stick to the basic formula
  • Use a template if you aren’t sure how to craft one
  • Be honest throughout your resume
  • Proofread your resume for typos and false information

Build a custom resume with a declaration at the bottom using CVwizard’s resume maker. Our tool lets you add personalized sections, so you can add declarations to any template you want.

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James Bunes
James Bunes
James Bunes, copywriter, editor, and strategist, combines job search and HR writing experience to produce actionable content on resumes, career advice, and job search tactics.

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