About Us

Our mission: to make the job search easy.

CVwizard.com is the job application platform where you easily create a professional resume. Our company was founded in 2000 by experts in resumes and job applications. Over the years more than 100,000 resumes have been generated. It has made us the market leader and that, of course, is something we are justifiably proud of.

We do everything in our power to make it easy for anyone looking for work or another job to create a professional and irresistible resume. After all, you only make a first impression once with your resume, so it's important that it's clear, well-organized and stands out among all the others.

Much or little work experience, freelancer or permanent employee? CVwizard.com is here for everyone! Create a professional and suitable resume for every situation. We guide you step by step through the entire process so that you create your own resume with ease and super fast. But with CVwizard.com you benefit from other features as well. You can generate unlimited professional cover letters that will make a difference. In addition, you can easily keep track of all your job applications. Moreover, we have mapped all job openings and will only send you relevant ones.